You’ve seen the numbers. But just in case, here are three more. About 80% of all global consumer web traffic comes from video. You read that right…80%! Facebook alone racks up over 8 billion video views daily! And in spite of the way it devours data, mobile video is expected to consume more than 75% of mobile data traffic by 2020.
Why should you care? Because when it comes to marketing, video is a powerful tool.
- 80% of internet users can recall a video ad they’ve seen in the last 30 days.
- Nearly half of those people took some action after viewing the ad.• Using the word “video” in an email subject line boosts open rates by 19% and click-through rates by 65%.
- Videos improve social media engagement by 28%.
- YouTube is the second largest search engine after Google, reaching more 18-34 and 18-49 year-olds than any U.S. cable network.
So…now what?
If you don’t have a plan in the works for video marketing for 2019, now is the time to get the ball rolling. Here are three easy things you can do to get started.
First, brainstorm video ideas. And don’t sit in the office and do it. Grab your crew, head out to a favorite restaurant or pub, and throw out as many ideas as you can come up with. The bigger the list, the better. Don’t worry about whether they’re good or bad. The only criteria is whether they have something to do with what you sell and who you sell it to.
Next, edit the list. Of all the ideas, which have the most potential to make your brand, your products, your services or your people memorable? For each one that makes the cut, write down three things:
- What’s the point of the video? What do you want a viewer to take away?
- What’s the arc of the video? The beginning, middle and end?
- What time of year should that video hit?
Third, start shooting. Put those final ideas in order, create a calendar and do one a week – or several at once.
Now, let’s tackle the excuses you just came up with in your brain for putting this off.1. You don’t need expensive equipment. Phones have cameras. Computers have cameras – and screen capture! Many digital cameras shoot video. GoPro cameras get cheaper all the time.2. You don’t need video expertise. There are four zillion college students looking for internships right now who know how to edit video.3. You don’t need to pay to distribute them. Just put them on social media and throw a link in your emails. 4. They don’t need to be long. Attention spans have shrunk. Under a minute is fine.
In conclusion: Video is big, and you’re late to the party. So grab those glass slippers and get to the ball!
(And if you need a hand putting that list together or getting this organized – or even shooting a few videos to get you started – we can help.)