Are You Impossible To Overlook?
Your ads should stand out and help you sell. Ours do.
- Persuasive Print.
- Effective Digital.
- Traffic-Stopping Billboards.
- Memorable TV.
- Great Radio.
Your Advertisements Aren’t Getting The Attention They Deserve.
It isn’t that advertising doesn’t work. It’s that mediocre advertisements don’t. In all media, your advertisements should grab attention first, then drill your message home in ways that stick — and sell. You don’t deserve advertisements that look and sound like everyone else’s. You deserve to stand out.

Make Every Advertisement Count.
If no one notices, your ad doesn’t exist. So we start by getting your prospect to pay attention.
Clear before clever
We’re clear about what you do and why it’s awesome. Then we make it clever enough to stick.
Calls to action
Every ad includes one or more calls to action, so prospects can take the next step in the sales process.

Advertisements That Calls Attention To Your Brand.
And A Little To You, Too.
- A deliberate creative process.
- Every medium available.
- Hundreds of productive campaigns.
- Thousands of advertisements created.
- Millions of impressions.
- Millions in sales generated.
- Zero deadlines missed.
Our Process For Memorable Campaigns.
- Goal setting
- Concept and copy
- Design / production
- Deployment
- Monitoring
Like The Superbowl Every Day.
Why does everyone watch the ads during the Superbowl and ignore them the rest of the year? Because the rest of the year, almost no one puts the same effort into their ads.
At Idealogy, we’re the Louisville region’s experts in creating and executing advertising campaigns for print, TV, radio, digital and outdoor that prospects love. Campaigns that gets you noticed — and gets customers.
Make Them Look!
In any medium, the first job is to get noticed. Most ads fail this test. Generic headlines. Boring copy. Bland visuals. Your ads deserve better. We give prospects a reason to give you their attention.
Deliver on the Promise.
Once your advertisement makes someone stop and look (or listen), we keep their attention by keeping it short and clear. What problem do you solve? What benefit do you provide? How is it different? How can they get it? We answer those questions quickly, clearly and memorably.
Campaign Continuity.
We boost brand awareness and sales by making sure that your message is equally striking and selling in the same manner across all media, all the time.
Smart Media Placement.
A campaign that rushes your sales goals begins with the right message. But it has to get delivered to the right place at the right time. We coordinate media buys that lower your cost per sale and ramp up targeted impressions.