Here’s an actual Facebook message we received this week. “Saw a bank billboard today with the words: ‘Your Money Matters To Us’ on it. Now first, that’s just wrong thinking to me. Your DREAMS matter to us; Your HOME matters; Your SUCCESS matters to us, etc…right? Not a cold, carllous, ‘your MONEY matters’! To top it off, it had the standard collection of 3 executives looking trustworthy and next to them…wait for it…YUP – A DOG!! WHAAAAAAAAT???????????” This is lazy marketing – and a great example of how quickly people see through such poorly-conceived, self-serving messages. Consumers don’t care what matters to you – unless it’s them. To quote Rick Warren out of context, “It’s not about you.” Worst of all, the billboard in question was for a new bank. How do you think they’ll do? More important, what’s your message