Media vs. Message? No Contest.

Many marketers devote much more time to their media choices than they do to their message. This is like the military focusing on the latest weapons, but ignoring strategy and execution.

It’s also why so much marketing gets ignored — and why real marketing ROI is becoming a rarity. A strong marketing message can amplify a small media budget. But no media spend can overcome a weak message.

Here’s a simple four-point test for any marketing message you’re considering.

1. Does it stop traffic?

Your prospects have too little bandwidth for too many messages. If yours isn’t powerful enough to stop them in their tracks, it’ll disappear without notice. Be startling or surprising, humorous or horrifying, but demand attention.

2. Does it inflame desire?

Your message has to make the prospect think, “I need that.” They have to see — and feel — how life could be better with your product or service.

3. Does it answer the “why you” question?

You have my attention. I see the benefit. But I can get that product or service elsewhere. Maybe anywhere. Maybe cheaper, or faster. Maybe closer to home. So why choose you? If you can’t answer that, you’ve wasted their time — and your money.

4. Does it show the next step?

What’s the call to action? If your prospect is intrigued, then inspired, what do you want them to do now? How easy can you make it? And how clear? It’s amazing how many marketing messages never ask for the business. Don’t be one of them.

No matter which media you choose, those four rules are ironclad. But they’re hard to do, so most marketers abandon them for the path of least resistance.

But for as long as marketing has existed, those have been the keys to success. Name a successful campaign, and you can probably see how the company included all four.

So whether it’s an email, a social media post, a digital ad, a billboard, website content — any medium at all — remember to devote at least as much time to crafting an effective message as you invest in your media choices. You’ll be rewarded every time with new business.

If you could use a creative partner to help you get your marketing message up to speed, email or call 812-399-1400. We’ll help you stand out and sell more.